Using Cupcakes As A Weapon
Ubermilf maintains that cupcakes are so nice and cute and yummy that no one will use them as a weapon, unlike cake (and also, let me point out to Nick, even more frequently PIE!!!).
I retorted (mmm... tarts) that cupcakes had, indeed, been used as weapons. Despite their delicious and impeccable nature.
Exhibit A:
Waldow as victim.

Apparently there is a show called "Northwest Morose -- American Peephole." In this particular episode, the cupcake weaponry focuses on a certain Waldow. To quote:
Waldow managed to get injured in lots of ways on this one. Most famous, of course, is the scene where Rosser Tin falls out of the sky and gets hit with a half-dozen red, white and blue cupcakes. Warren was the cupcake-tosser, and well, Waldow took one right in the balls... Ouch.
Exhibit B:
A variety of Cupcake Armageddons. With this exhibit, I think the defense can safely rest.

Cupcake Armageddon -- They Came From Above: Cupcakes rain fiery green death on innocent bystanders.
Cupcake Armageddon -- Nukiecakes: Cupcakes become embroiled in nuclear lauch.
Cupcake Armageddon -- Warriors variant: Cupcakes ready to rumble. They are PISSED. Someone is going to get a meat tenderizer in the face. Just like in The Annihilators. I can just tell.
Cupcake Armageddon -- What the Newspaper Never Mentions: One in the hand, one in the bush. Or something. The usual political crap. Right, only now it has CUPCAKES!!! So it is much better. More palatable, at least. Something you can swallow.
Cupcake Armageddon -- Painful Pelting Type: Watch out for falling ... AAGGHHH!!!
So there you have it. Ubermilf, you must admit there is quite a bit of fodder here for any cupcake assailants. And what is the National Cupcake Liberation Army using for weapons, hmm???
I retorted (mmm... tarts) that cupcakes had, indeed, been used as weapons. Despite their delicious and impeccable nature.
Exhibit A:
Waldow as victim.

Apparently there is a show called "Northwest Morose -- American Peephole." In this particular episode, the cupcake weaponry focuses on a certain Waldow. To quote:
Waldow managed to get injured in lots of ways on this one. Most famous, of course, is the scene where Rosser Tin falls out of the sky and gets hit with a half-dozen red, white and blue cupcakes. Warren was the cupcake-tosser, and well, Waldow took one right in the balls... Ouch.
Exhibit B:
A variety of Cupcake Armageddons. With this exhibit, I think the defense can safely rest.

Cupcake Armageddon -- They Came From Above: Cupcakes rain fiery green death on innocent bystanders.
Cupcake Armageddon -- Nukiecakes: Cupcakes become embroiled in nuclear lauch.
Cupcake Armageddon -- Warriors variant: Cupcakes ready to rumble. They are PISSED. Someone is going to get a meat tenderizer in the face. Just like in The Annihilators. I can just tell.
Cupcake Armageddon -- What the Newspaper Never Mentions: One in the hand, one in the bush. Or something. The usual political crap. Right, only now it has CUPCAKES!!! So it is much better. More palatable, at least. Something you can swallow.
Cupcake Armageddon -- Painful Pelting Type: Watch out for falling ... AAGGHHH!!!
So there you have it. Ubermilf, you must admit there is quite a bit of fodder here for any cupcake assailants. And what is the National Cupcake Liberation Army using for weapons, hmm???
At 12:13 PM,
flounder said…
Oh my! Who knewe the cupcakes could be so devious!
At 12:59 PM,
Ubermilf said…
It's amazing, then, that you've been so complacent.
We're training a super-secret squad of... wait, I've already said too much.
At 1:03 PM,
Ubermilf said…
But back to the part where you like me. Because nothing's been confirmed, attack-wise.
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