The King of Cake in your face

Smush your face into my cake, or I'll smush my cake into your face. That's the long and the short of it. Who wants frosting?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Lime Wiggle Cake

This whole NeoPet thing is out of control. Now they've gone and invented a Lime Wiggle Cake. I found it when I looked up "wiggle cake" on Google's image search.

It's at the Green Gallery, run by Kamehime, where it shares space with about another gazillion weird but intriguing green things. And lots of cute ones too.

Lime Wriggle Cake is described as "a rather bizarre dessert that wriggles as you eat it."

I am disturbed but entirely too intrigued.


  • At 2:03 PM, Blogger Scarlet Hip said…

    Where have you been!

  • At 6:55 AM, Blogger Michelle Souliere said…

    Dear Brooke-- You could hardly believe me if I told you.

    Della-- I would especially like it if someone would GIVE me a King Cake.

    Incidentally, that's about the only legal way you'll find to eat a baby.

  • At 1:10 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Oh, King of Cake... I hope you won't be too disappointed, but... I've asked Slappy to be my Valentine.

    You're very sweet, but he's just got that.. that... je ne sais quois.

  • At 5:31 AM, Blogger Michelle Souliere said…

    Dang it all, I have more self-preservation instinct than to tangle with that wooden psychopath! I will gracefully bow out and Slappy, I'm sure, will make a terrific Valentine. Bloody, even!!! He is, if nothing else, a very sharp dresser. (no pun intended)


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