The King of Cake in your face

Smush your face into my cake, or I'll smush my cake into your face. That's the long and the short of it. Who wants frosting?

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Well, what a.... what a cake tease. How could you DO this to people?! I wonder how many people were running down the streets in a mob after sighting this giant, luscious cake, only to find out that it was nothing but a pile of hot air?

Gah. It rends my heart. I must go stuff a giant slice of cake into my gob to stop all the sobbing.



  • At 1:47 PM, Blogger justacoolcat said…

    Perhaps it floated to a cake utopia, like the pied piper of pastry.

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Oh, my poor dear King. There, there. I'll send you a batch of buttercream to drown your sorrows. Chocolate or vanilla?

  • At 4:39 AM, Blogger Michelle Souliere said…

    Thank you, that is very comforting. As soon as I'm finished drowning my sorrows in a vat of vanilla buttercream frosting (thank you, Ubermilf!), I will start plotting out transportation for myself to this Giant Cake Valhalla in the Sky.


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