I'm Bananas for Monkey!

However, I got distracted by this monstrosity!
Please note, dear Monkey, that I would never stick candles in your head. Also, don't you think this monkey's head looks suspiciously like an over-large, two-handled coffee mug?
The directions also tell us to:
--"Spread a thick layer of chocolate buttercream over entire monkey head."
Would you be agreeable to this? I prefer a good creamcheese frosting myself, but in a pinch I am certainly not going to deny myself a good chocolate buttercream. Your person still has a washer and dryer, no?
--"Attach ears to sides of head, top of cupcake facing forward, securing with toothpicks."
This one I am not so sure about.
I was a little terrified when I watched the video and found that she also cuts the poor monkey's head in half to spread more chocolate buttercream inside its little brains. Eeek!
Here's to monkeys everywhere, and also monkey cake!!!
At 5:43 PM,
Ubermilf said…
Monkey cupcakes seem more humane, but not as glorious-looking.
At 7:40 AM,
Monkey said…
Good Lord! That monkey's head is on fire. I would indeed object to candles in my head! And my ears as mug handles?? What fresh hell is this?
Thank you King of Cake, for staying on top of these abominations.
At 3:18 PM,
Scarlet Hip said…
Oh sorry...I mean...the horror!!!
At 1:57 PM,
Mad Munkey said…
Hear, Hear.
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